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谭兵,男,1995年5月生,四川广安人,中共党员。2024年1月加入西南大学数学与统计学院任副教授。2023年12月毕业于电子科技大学(硕博连读),获得理学博士学位。博士期间(2022.3-2023.2)获国家留学基金委(CSC)全额资助,前往加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)访问一年。截至2024年1月,他在其研究领域的重要期刊上发表高水平学术论文58篇(SCI论文49篇,EI论文6篇),其中第一作者论文41篇。以一作发表在中国数学会高水平期刊的论文有13篇,包括JSC,NUMA,JOGO,ANM和AMP等,ESI高被引论文8篇。Web of Science总引用400余次,Google Scholar总引用400余次。受邀担任美国Mathematical Reviews和德国Zentralblatt MATH评论员,目前担任NUMA,JNVA,Optim.,JCAM,JIMO,COAM等多个SCI期刊的审稿人。更多信息请参见个人主页。










美国Mathematical Reviews和德国Zentralblatt MATH评论员,长期担任NUMA,JNVA,Optim.,JCAM,JIMO,COAM等多个SCI期刊的审稿人




  1. Bing Tan, Xiaolong Qin, Xianfu Wang*. Alternated inertial algorithms for split feasibility problems. Numerical Algorithms. doi:10.1007/s11075-023-01589-8. (SCI,中科院三区,中国数学会应用数学类T2期刊)

  2. Bing Tan, Xiaolong Qin*, Sun Young Cho. Revisiting subgradient extragradient methods for solving variational inequalities. Numerical Algorithms. 2022, 90(4), 1593–1615. (SCI,中科院三区,中国数学会应用数学类T2期刊)

  3. Bing Tan, Xiaolong Qin*, Jen-Chih Yao. Strong convergence of inertial projection and contraction methods for pseudomonotone variational inequalities with applications to optimal control problems. Journal of Global Optimization. 2022, 82(3), 523–557. (SCI,EI,中科院三区,中国数学会应用数学类T2期刊)

  4. Bing Tan, Xiaolong Qin*, Jen-Chih Yao. Strong convergence of self-adaptive inertial algorithms for solving split variational inclusion problems with applications. Journal of Scientific Computing. 2021, 87(1), Article ID 20. (SCI,中科院二区,中国数学会应用数学类T2期刊,2022年ESI高被引论文)

  5. Bing Tan, Xiaolong Qin*, Jen-Chih Yao. Two modified inertial projection algorithms for bilevel pseudomonotone variational inequalities with applications to optimal control problems. Numerical Algorithms. 2021, 88(4), 1757–1786. (SCI,中科院二区,中国数学会应用数学T2期刊)

  6. Bing Tan, Songxiao Li*, Xiaolong Qin. Self-adaptive inertial single projection methods for variational inequalities involving non-Lipschitz and Lipschitz operators with their applications to optimal control problems. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 2021, 170, 219–241. (SCI,EI,中科院三区,中国数学会应用数学T2期刊)

  7. Bing Tan, Sun Young Cho*. Two adaptive modified subgradient extragradient methods for bilevel pseudomonotone variational inequalities with applications. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2022, 107, Article ID 106160. (SCI,EI,中科院二区,中国数学会应用跨学科数学类T3期刊)

  8. Bing Tan, Songxiao Li*. Modified inertial projection and contraction algorithms with non-monotonic step sizes for solving variational inequalities and their applications. Optimization. 2022,
    ewline doi:10.1080/02331934.2022.2123705. (SCI, 中科院三区,中国数学会应用数学类T3期刊)



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