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Shanshan Xu

Shanshan Xu 

Ms. Shanshan Xu (许珊珊)
School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Research interests: Image processing, Optimization algorithms.


Papers (* Corresponding Author)

  1. Bing Tan, Shanshan Xu, Songxiao Li*. Inertial hybrid and shrinking projection algorithms for solving variational inequality problems. J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 2020, 21(10):2193–2206. [PDF]

  2. Bing Tan*, Shanshan Xu. Strong convergence of two inertial projection algorithms in Hilbert spaces. J. Appl. Numer. Optim. 2020, 2(2):171–186. [PDF]

  3. Bing Tan, Shanshan Xu, Songxiao Li*. Inertial shrinking projection algorithms for solving hierarchical variational inequality problems. J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 2020, 21(4):871–884. [PDF]

  4. Bing Tan, Shanshan Xu, Songxiao Li*. Modified inertial hybrid and shrinking projection algorithms for solving fixed point problems. Mathematics 2020, 8(2), Article ID 236. [PDF]

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